A Secure Sockets Layer – or SSL – certificate is a web security protocol and essential for protecting your site visitors’ sensitive data against fraud and identity theft. SSLs guard data by providing encryption (scrambling of data to prevent tampering during transmission) and validation (verification of the business behind the website). SSL certificates come in different levels of security, depending on the level of protection and security features you need. Often, these features are obvious – Site Seals, HTTPS, and the “green bar” are all visual indicators of a protected site – other times, the security is behind-the-scenes. No matter what level you choose, SSL protection reassures visitors that your site is safe, leading to greater customer trust and increased reliability for your business or brand.
Validation is a key SSL feature. We'll help you learn about the different levels of validation and how to tell them apart.
Single domain SSLs only allow one unique domain or subdomain to be secured, wildcard SSLs allow multiple subdomains to be secured under one unique domain, and multi-domain SSLs allow multiple unique domains and subdomains to be secured with a single certificate.
Each brand of SSL is known as a Certificate Authority (CA). A CA is an organization that is trusted to sign digital certificates. It also verifies the identity and legitimacy of the company or individual requesting a certificate and, if the verification is successful, issues the signed certificate. More info is available at here →
To use an SSL after purchase, you will first need to activate it. Once the SSL is activated, you will receive installation instructions, after which it may be managed from the Account Panel.
Begin by purchasing an SSL certificate. Choose from the three types listed above.
You may activate your SSL certificate from the Account Panel immediately after purchase or at a later time. CSR code assignment and domain name indication will happen during activation.
You will receive instructions on how to install your SSL certificate once it has been validated and issued. Click here for more information on the installation process.
You may manage your SSLs (renew, reissue, etc.) in the Account Panel.
Check out these great features that come with every SSL OBG offers.